Credit cards allow you to make purchases on credit, with a set credit limit based on your creditworthiness. Paying the full balance by the due date avoids interest charges, while carrying a balance incurs interest. Make at least the minimum payment by the due date to avoid fees. Using a credit card will grow your credit history as well as allow you to earn rewards and benefits based on each credit card.
Which Credit Card is Right for Me?
To choose the right card, consider your credit score, preferred rewards, fees, interest rates, and card network. Compare offers and read terms to align with your needs. If you are looking for your first credit card check our our Getting your First Credit Card article.
How Can I Improve My Credit Score
Boost your credit score by paying bills on time, keeping credit card balances low, limiting new accounts, diversifying credit types, monitoring your credit report for errors, and practicing patience in building good credit. If you are looking to elevate your credit, check out Credit Builder, an innovative loan product to help build or rebuild your credit score.
with EMV chip technology and Visa’s ZERO Fraud Liability policy, which guarantees you won’t be held responsible for any unauthorized charges if your card is lost or stolen.
Works with Your Mobile Wallet
like Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay, Visa Checkout, PayPal, and more.
Comes with NO Surprises
like unexpected rate hikes, no annual fees, and no balance transfer fees.
*APR = Annual percentage rate. Variable APR ranges from 12.00% to 18.00% APR. Financing is subject to UCCU membership and underwriting criteria, not every applicant will qualify. 1% foreign transaction fee. Federally insured by NCUA.
4321 Cash Back Visa Credit Card:
*APR = Annual percentage rate. Variable APR ranges from 18.00% to 18.00% APR. Financing is subject to UCCU membership and underwriting criteria, not every applicant will qualify. 1% foreign transaction fee. Federally insured by NCUA.