Home Loans
Buy, Build, Refinance

- Mortgage Loans
For anyone looking to purchase a home, whether it be a First-Time Home Buyer, or purchasing the additional housing. - Home Equity Loans
Anyone looking to use their home as collateral to receive funds for life’s needs like remodeling or other common Use Cases of a Home Equity. - Construction Loans
For those looking to build their dream home. - Lot Loans
Those looking to purchase land.
Ready to Buy a Home?
Contact a local UCCU expert at UCCU. They will help determine your next steps on your home purchase or assist in accessing your home’s equity.
(801) 223-8188 | Branch Locations
Available M–F 8am–6pm, and Sat. 9am–2pm,
*APR = Annual percentage rate. Rates, terms, and conditions are subject to change without notice. Financing is subject to UCCU membership and underwriting criteria, not every application will qualify. Advertised APR includes 0.25% loan discount with Elevated Checking Account. Actual rate may increase based on the borrower’s creditworthiness. Late payment fee is 5% of the payment due or $25.00, whichever is greater. Some restrictions may apply. Federally insured by NCUA.
*Payments are based on a $250,000 loan on a $420,000 property in Utah County, UT. If an escrow account is required or requested, your actual monthly payment will also include amounts for real estate taxes and homeowner’s insurance premiums. The values shown assume the loan is for the refinance of a single-family residence that will be used as a primary residence and that the applicant has a credit score of 740 or higher.

Home Equity Loans
For those with equity in their home wanting to consolidate debt, free up cash, or pay for a dream family vacation.
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Frequently Asked Questions
If I want to purchase a lot and build a home on it, where do I start?
It is usually best to start with a Lot Loan from UCCU. Talk with one of UCCU’s experts and they can also help you map out the route to buying, building, and owning the home of your dreams. If there are additional questions, then bring them to us and we can help out.
When is the best time to open apply for a loan?
Like the famous planting a tree analysis, if the best time to buy a home was 20 years ago, then the next best time is now. Regardless of the rates or cost of the home, if you can afford to purchase a home and make the payments on it, then you should buy it. If the housing rates go up, then you will be glad you purchased. If the house rates go down, then you can refinance the home down to the lower interest rate. Home Prices historically have also increased in value over their 30 year lifespan. Many people often choose to move into a new home during the spring and summer when the weather is warmer as well. If you wait until winter, then you can be subject to many holiday delays.
Can I open more than one loan at a time?
Yes. Depending on your credit history and pending approval, you can have multiple loans opened at the same time. Many loans are subsequently split out to help tailor individual members needs. Opening more than one loan may require additional information as needed by the UCCU representative.
Other UCCU Loans…

Auto Loans
Start Here. Go anywhere.

Visa Credit Cards
Get the credit you deserve

Home Refinance
Get more from your investment in your home.

Refinance Your Home Equity
Put your home’s equity back to work for you.

Personal Loans
Personal loans that are, well… personal.

Recreational Vehicle Loans
Recreational vehicle loans. Serious advantages.
We’re here to help
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(801) 223-8188
Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Sat: 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
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